Sales Enablement is a data driven and systematic approach for sales talent and organizational development that integrates learning programs with behavioral changes, leading to the desired organizational results
Talent development programs are for maximizing organizations’ business results.
To achieve this goal, talent development programs need to take a systematic approach. They need to define the “Business Requirement”, the “Key Actions” to achieve the requirements and the “Knowledge and Skills” to enable such key actions.
It is imperative to make these three layers (Results-Key Actions-Knowledge/Skills) are connected holistically through the enablement process.
In many cases, “Sales Results” and ”Training” are not linked. What is behind this?
From a micro perspective, the following cases are the major reasons: 1) Training programs are not designed to meet Sales results 2) Training contents are not relevant to work 3) No follow up nor verification after trainings are conducted.
From a macro perspective, it is often observed that coherent programs are not designed nor provided because different departments are engaged, provide programs optimal for different goals.
The R2 Sales Enablement approach aims to manage the 3 key categories(Results-Key actions-Skills/Knowledge) all at once and to establish a PDCA cycle in the sales talent development process via data.
Sales Enablement team in an Organization will provide necessary resources that Sales sections need to achieve their sales goals as reliable business partners with them.
An increasing number of companies are now implementing a dedicated Sales Enablement function.
The “Enablement App” was designed and created by our development team, which is familiar with the best practices in various companies through their years of experience in sales and as managers, coaches and executives.
The “Enablement App” ties your talent development programs to “Sales Results”, offering “must have” feasutures to enable a systematic process by accelerating the PDCA(Plan-Do-Check-Action) cycle.